Working with our community to end domestic violence.
Hotline (401) 846-5263
Housing Hotline (866) 236-2474
24/7 Statewide Helpline (800) 494-8100
Please be cautious of your internet and browser history as you use this temporary website while we update our new site. Clear your history and close out of the tab to stay safe. Call us for more information.
Client Services
Drop-In Center
Please call 401-846-5263 for assistance and updated drop-in hours and locations. Advocates are available Monday – Friday, 8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m., excluding holidays. Services are available for those who are in need of referrals, support and advocacy. All services are free and confidential.
24/7 Helpline 800-494-8100
Advocacy and support for those seeking assistance and safety from domestic violence. Referrals are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We do not use caller ID and all our calls are blocked to ensure safety and confidentiality. This is a statewide helpline for Rhode Island.
Housing Advocacy Program
Safe Home
Housing Advocates provide a safe, confidential shelter for abused women and their children. Men in need of shelter services are referred to local programs. This program empowers victims of domestic abuse to be independent and assists victims to secure affordable housing. Call 866-236-2474 to speak with an advocate who will be able to assist you.
Transitional Housing
Housing Advocates provide support and services to survivors of domestic violence and their children. Transitional housing is designed to serve as a bridge between shelter and more permanent affordable housing. The goals of the program are to assist residents in finding safe and affordable housing, developing and achieving personal goals, developing good parenting skills, and problem-solving skills. Call 866-236-2474 for more information. Pets are welcome in our housing programs with support from the Potter League.
Systems Advocacy Program
Family Violence Option Advocacy Program (FVOAP)
System Advocates assist Department of Human Services (DHS) clients who are victims/survivors of domestic violence. Advocates work with DHS, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV), RI Works
(RI’s cash assistance program), and the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Through the FVOAP, clients may be able to obtain a waiver from certain requirements of the RI Works program or Child Care Assistance Programs. Advocates also assist victims/survivors with supports such as immediate crisis counseling and safety planning. Advocates can connect you with your local domestic violence agency and provide referrals to help you obtain orders for protection, housing assistance, legal services, basic needs, counseling and support groups and other referrals throughout the state. Call your local DHS office or call 401-846-5263 for more information.
Court Advocacy
Systems Advocates provide support and education to domestic violence victims who are navigating aspects of the court system. They will explain your rights as a victim of a crime, the court process and what to expect in court. The Advocate can also convey your wishes to the prosecutors and will be present at the arraignment, pretrial and trial. You can speak to them about the case and ask questions. Safety planning and referral services are also provided. Towns served at Newport Courthouse are Newport, Middletown,
Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton and Jamestown. Call 401-846-5263 for more information.
Law Enforcement Advocacy
Systems Advocates are trained advocates who work for local non-profits and who work with the local police departments. The Advocate provides immediate crisis intervention, safety planning, information, referrals and work in collaboration with law enforcement officers on all domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault cases. Call 401-846-5263 for more information.
Counseling and Support
Individual Counseling
Licensed clinicians provide individual counseling to women and men who have been the victim of domestic violence and
children who have witnessed domestic violence. Our dedicated counseling staff are knowledgeable about the dynamics of abuse and that each situation is unique. Many
insurances are accepted. We welcome uninsured individuals at no cost. Counseling is offered virtually throughout the state of Rhode Island. Call 401-585-4097 for more
Support Groups
Our free and confidential support groups are for women who are dealing with current or past domestic violence situations. Support groups are offered virtually. Call 401-585-4097 for more information.
Our prevention strategies aim to prevent domestic violence before it starts by creating healthier, more connected communities. Our place-based approach builds on emerging evidence that the most effective prevention efforts define
well-being in broad, holistic terms and focus on community-level changes that make the healthy choice the default choice.
Newport Health Equity Zone
- Structural, financial, and environmental barriers to health and well-being are eliminated.
- Public policy fosters the good health of all residents; and
- Residents feel empowered to control the health of their families and communities.
Role of Newport HEZ
- Convene: We bring stakeholders together for resident-led community problem solving.
- Assess: We keep a pulse on community needs and project effectiveness through innovative and ongoing evaluation and assessment.
- Capacity Building: We provide opportunities that build resident and partner capacity to address health disparities in inclusive ways.
- Advocacy: We advocate for policies and practices that will improve health equity in the neighborhood.
For more information on the HEZ project, or how you can get involved in one of our working groups head to, call 401-236-8344 or visit us at the Florence Gray Community Center.
Women’s Resource Center
“Thank you for believing me…”
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is proud to present Women’s Resource Center: Tipping Point. In this intimate and powerful short documentary film (20 minutes), eight survivors share their experiences overcoming the many barriers to leaving an abusive situation and how the Women’s Resource Center empowered them on their journey to finding peace for their families. Tipping Point refers to both the courage and strength of purpose these survivors possess as well as the underinvestment and ongoing funding cuts the Women’s Resource Center is facing. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Susan M. Sipprelle.
We are eager to share this film with champions who wish to support our work by hosting small screening events with their professional networking and personal social groups.
Women’s Resource Center Campus Project Updates Coming Soon!
Citizens Pell Bridge Run, October 20th
Join Team WRC! Run, walk or cheer us on from the sidelines!
Seeking Volunteer Board Members (July – October 2024)
Seeking Part-time Bilingual Housing Advocate (September 2024)
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